Thursday, 30 October 2008

Self Evaluation

Attainment (2)
I gave myself a 2 for attainemnt because i believe i am trying my hardest to do the best in Media Studies. I put alot of effort into the lessons and believe i come out of every lesson having learnt something new.

Effort (1)
This is because i contribute in class as much as i can and i am a active learner. I try to get involved with all activites we do in class and always give my own opinion on a topic.

Punctuality (3)
I do not always come to lessons on time and have missed one or two lessons. However, i still catch up with the work and do everything.

Submission And Quality Of Homework (2)
i have handed in all my homework and believe it is to good quality but not the best there is.

Ability to work Independtly (2)
i can work by myself and work in groups but feel that i work better in groups. I also stick my head down and do my work myself when there is work to be done.

Quality of Writing (2)
I believe i use Media Studies language frequently but as it is early stages i do not it in every sentence and do not know the meaning of all the words.

Organisation of Media Folder (1)
I organise all my work so that nothing gets lost and so that no work mixes with other subjects. I have seperated my media folder into two sections, one for Mr Bush and the other for Ms Holiday. By doing this i know where my work is for which teacher.

Oral Contribution in Class (1)
I contribute in class all the time and never keep quiet. This is because i always have an opinion and feel people should listen to it if it is necessary to the topic.

  • Contributed in class all the time
  • I have organised my media folder well so that it is easy for me to look for something
  • Understand the difference between Broadcasting, Print and E-Media
  • Read through my notes in free time
  • Ask teacher for help if needed
  • Attend all lessons on time

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